Instrument Panel

Instrument Panel Overview

The instrument panel changes depending on whether Model X is:

When Model X is off, the instrument panel shows remaining estimated range, status of doors, and outside temperature. When you press the brake, indicator lights flash on briefly along the top. Unless an indicator light applies to a current situation, it should turn off. If an indicator light fails to turn on or off, contact Tesla.

Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
The following illustration is provided for demonstration purposes only. Depending on vehicle options, software version, and market region, the information displayed may be slightly different.
An overview of the Instrument Panel

The following indicators illuminate on the instrument panel to advise you or alert you of a specific condition.

Red exclamation point within a red circle with the word BRAKE underneath
If the touchscreen displays this red brake indicator at any time other than briefly when you first start Model X, a brake system fault is detected, or the level of the brake fluid is low. Contact Tesla immediately. Apply steady pressure and keep the brake pedal firmly pressed to stop the vehicle when safe to do so.
Amber exclamation point within an amber circle with the word BRAKE underneath
The touchscreen displays this amber brake indicator if a brake booster fault is detected. Apply steady pressure and keep the brake pedal firmly pressed to stop the vehicle when safe to do so. Hydraulic Boost Compensation will be active (see #GUID-63CA292E-1221-4207-8AF8-95419AD34D9C).
The word ABS within an amber circle
The ABS indicator briefly flashes amber on the touchscreen when you first start Model X. If this indicator lights up at any other time, an ABS fault has occurred and the ABS is not operating. Contact Tesla. The braking system remains fully operational and is not affected by an ABS failure. However, braking distances may increase. Drive cautiously and avoid heavy braking.
A read P within a red circle with the word PARK underneath
When you manually apply the parking brake using the touchscreen, the red parking brake indicator lights up on the touchscreen.
An amber P within an amber circle
If the parking brake experiences an electrical issue, the amber parking brake indicator lights up and a fault message displays on the touchscreen.
A green circular shape with five horzintal, slanted lines coming out of it
Low beam headlights are on (indicator light is green).
A blue circular shape with five horzintal, slanted lines coming out of it
High beam headlights are on (indicator light is blue). Illuminates when high beams are on but the Auto High Beam setting if equipped is turned off or if the Auto High Beam setting is turned on but is temporarily unavailable. See High Beam Headlights.
A blue circular shape with an A and five horzintal, slanted lines coming out of it
High beam headlights are currently turned on (indicator light is blue), and Auto High Beam if equipped is ready to turn off the high beams if light is detected in front of Model X. See High Beam Headlights.
A gray circular shape with an A and five horzintal, slanted lines coming out of it
High beam headlights are temporarily turned off because Auto High Beam if equipped is on and is detecting light in front of Model X (indicator light is gray). When light is no longer detected, the high beams automatically turn back on. See High Beam Headlights.
Two green elipses side by side with three horizontal lines coming out of each size
Parking lights (side marker lights, tail lights, and license plate lights) are on (indicator light is green). See Lights.
A green half ciriclu with three slanted lines coming out of it and a wavy vertical line
Front fog lights, if equipped (indicator light is green). See Lights.
An orange half circul with three horizontal lines coming out of it and a wavy vertical line
Rear fog lights, if equipped (indicator light is amber). See Lights.
A orange circular shape with five horzintal, slanted lines coming out of it
Adaptive Front Lighting, if equipped (indicator light is amber). See GUID-1C209641-AA23-47AC-B0D1-3FE3779CF222.html#GUID-4B52AB23-D34C-4A8E-A112-C0CE368A6A45.
Amber icon of rear view of vehicle with squiggly tire marks
Electronic stability control systems are actively minimizing wheel spin by controlling brake pressure and motor power (indicator flashes amber). See Traction Control. If this indicator remains on, a fault is detected and you should immediately contact Tesla.
An orange outline of a car with an up arrow inside and a down arrow below
If a fault is detected that reduces the performance of the air suspension system, this amber indicator light displays (see Air Suspension). If the problem persists, contact Tesla.
An red outline of a car with an up arrow inside and a down arrow below
If a fault is detected that disables the air suspension system, a red indicator lights up on the instrument panel (see Air Suspension). Contact Tesla.
A red person sitting with a large red circle infront of them
Airbag safety. If this red indicator does not flash on briefly when Model X prepares to drive, or if it remains on, contact Tesla immediately. See Airbags.
A gray circle with the letter H inside
Vehicle Hold is actively applying the brakes (indicator light is gray). See Vehicle Hold.
An orange U shape with an exclamation point inside
Tire pressure warning (indicator light is amber). The pressure of a tire is out of range. If a fault with the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) is detected, the indicator flashes. For a TPMS fault, contact Tesla. See Tire Care and Maintenance.
A red car with the doors open
A door or trunk is open (indicator light is red). See Keys and Doors, Rear Trunk, or Front Trunk.
A red person with their seatbelt fastened
A seat belt for an occupied seat is not fastened (indicator light is red). See Seat Belts.
An orange person with a crossed out circle and a number two with the word OFF to the right of them
The front passenger’s air bag is turned off (indicator light is amber). See Airbags.
Amber icon of rear view of vehicle with squiggly tire marks and the word OFF
Electronic stability control systems are no longer minimizing wheel spin (indicator light is amber). On a Rear Wheel Drive vehicle, the traction control system has been turned off, or on an All-Wheel Drive vehicle, Slip Start has been enabled. See Traction Control.
An orange N in square brackets
Model X is in Tow Mode and can roll freely (indicator light is amber). It does not automatically shift into Park when you exit. See Instructions for Transporters.
A blue trailer
Trailer mode (if equipped) is active (indicator light is blue). See Towing and Accessories.
An outline of a car with a muted horn on top
The Pedestrian Warning System has been paused (indicator light is gray). See Pedestrian Warning System).
The word READY in grene letters
Model X is ready to drive (indicator light is green).
An orange car battery
The green Battery icon turns amber when the charge level is low (<20% remaining).
A blue snowflake
Appears when some of the energy stored in the Battery may not be available due to cold weather conditions. During these cold weather conditions, charging rates may also be limited. If Model X is plugged in, you can heat your Battery by turning on climate control with the mobile app. The snowflake icon disappears when the Battery is sufficiently warm.
Amber turtle icon within a circle
Vehicle power is currently being limited because the energy remaining in the Battery is low or the vehicle's systems are being heated or cooled (indicator light is amber).
A red plug
Battery is charging (indicator light is red). Unplug Model X before driving.
A red box with wavy lines coming from the top
Vehicle systems are too hot (indicator light is red). Pull over immediately and allow systems to cool (indicator light is red).
A red car with an exclamation point on top of it.
System failure (indicator light is red). Follow the instructions in the associated message that displays. Contact Tesla.
A green circle with a left pointing arrow
Flashes green when the left turn signal is operating. Both turn signal indicators flash green when the hazard warning flashers are operating.
A green circle with a right pointing arrow
Flashes green when the right turn signal is operating. Both turn signal indicators flash green when the hazard warning flashers are operating.

Popup Messages and Vehicle Alerts

Popup messages appear on the instrument panel. For example, a seat belt reminder appears if a seat belt is unfastened in an occupied seat, an alert appears to notify you of an incoming phone call, a text message appears (when applicable), and voice commands appear when in use.

You can view a list of vehicle alerts and notifications by touching the notifications icon on the touchscreen.

Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
Not all alerts provide additional information at this time.

Instrument Panel - Driving

When Model X is driving (or ready to drive), the instrument panel shows your current driving status and a real-time visualization of the road as detected by the Autopilot components (see About Autopilot). The visualization automatically zooms in and out as needed to inform you when a vehicle is detected in your blind spot.

Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
The following illustration is provided for demonstration purposes only. Depending on vehicle options, software version, and market region, the information displayed may be slightly different.
An overview of the Instrument panel
  1. Indicator lights display along the top to provide status (see Instrument Panel Overview).
  2. When you are actively navigating to a destination, navigation instructions display here. Use the left steering wheel buttons to change what displays on the left side of the instrument panel whenever navigation instructions are not displayed (see Using Left Steering Wheel Buttons).
  3. Autosteer is actively steering Model X. When Autosteer is available but you haven't activated it, the icon is gray (see Autosteer).
  4. Traffic-Aware Cruise Control is cruising at a set speed. When Traffic-Aware Cruise Control is available but you haven't set a cruising speed, the icon is gray and the speed is not shown (see Traffic-Aware Cruise Control).
  5. Driving speed.
  6. The speed limit (if available) that is currently being detected by Speed Assist (see Speed Assist).
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The icon associated with the detected speed limit reflects the style of speed limit signs used in your market region.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    A blue outline may appear around the speed limit icon to notify that you are above the speed limit.
  7. On the Energy graph, dashed lines appear on the power meter if Model X is limiting power. The dashed lines appear on the top portion (energy being used) when power available for acceleration is being limited, and on the bottom portion (energy being gained) when power that can be gained by regenerative braking is limited. Model X limits power for many reasons. Here are just a few examples:
    • Acceleration may be limited when the Battery is reaching a low state of charge or if the powertrain is hot.
    • Both acceleration and regenerative braking may be limited when the ambient temperature is either very high or very low.
    • Regenerative braking may be limited when the Battery is fully charged.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Use the right steering wheel buttons to control what displays on the right side of the instrument panel (see Using Right Steering Wheel Buttons).
  8. Pay attention to important alert messages that display here. If any alerts are in effect, you can view information about them by touching the alert icon (exclamation mark) on the touchscreen’s status bar (the topmost area of the touchscreen).
  9. Use the right steering wheel buttons to change what displays on the right side of the instrument panel whenever a phone call is not active (see Using Right Steering Wheel Buttons).
  10. Total estimated driving distance (or energy) available. Instead of driving distance, you can display the percentage of battery energy remaining. To do so, touch Controls > Display > Energy Display.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    When anticipating when you need to charge, use range estimates as a general guideline only.
  11. Currently selected drive mode: Park, Reverse, Neutral, or Drive.
  12. The car in front of you (if applicable).
  13. Pay attention to important driving-related messages that appear at the bottom center of the instrument panel.
  14. Your Model X.
  15. When Autosteer is active and detects the driving lane, it is highlighted in blue (see Autosteer). Depending on the current driving scenario, you may see neighboring lanes.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    If Navigate on Autopilot is active, the driving lane displays as a single blue line in front of Model X (see Navigate on Autopilot).
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Although the instrument panel shows surrounding traffic, some vehicles may not be displayed. Never rely on the instrument panel to determine if a vehicle is present (for example, in your blind spot). Always use your mirrors and perform shoulder checks.