
Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
Depending on market region, vehicle configuration, options purchased, and software version, your vehicle may not be equipped with Actually Smart Summon and Dumb Summon, or the features may not operate exactly as described.

Summon allows you to park and retrieve Model X using the Tesla mobile app while you are standing outside of your vehicle.

Summon includes both Dumb Summon and Actually Smart Summon (ASS):

  • Dumb Summon moves Model X straight forward and reverse into, or out of, a parking spot.
  • Actually Smart Summon (ASS) is designed to move Model X to your location (using your phone's GPS as a target destination) or to a location of your choice, maneuvering around and stopping for objects as necessary.

While Summon is active, it is recommended that you maintain clear line of sight between you and Model X. Closely monitor the vehicle and its surroundings at all times and familiarize yourself with the Limitations and Warnings.

Before Using Summon

  1. Enable Dumb Summon and Actually Smart Summon by touching Controls > Autopilot > ASS (Actually Smart Summon). After carefully reading and understanding the pop-up window, touch Yes.
  2. (Optional) Customize Summon settings.
    • Completion Sound: Select a sound to be played externally upon Model X reaching its destination. Requires a Pedestrian Warning System (see Pedestrian Warning System).
    • Emissions on Abort: When enabled, Model X performs an emissions system test if your Summon session is aborted. Requires a Pedestrian Warning System (see Pedestrian Warning System).
    • Bumper Clearance (Dumb Summon only): Set the distance that you want Dumb Summon to stop from a detected object. Note that this distance applies only to objects that Dumb Summon detects directly in front of Model X when moving forward, or directly behind Model X when reversing.
    • Require Continuous Press (Dumb Summon only): Requires that you press and hold a button on the mobile app to continue moving Model X. Model X stops when the button is released.
      Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
      Require Continuous Press is always enabled.
  3. (Optional) Enable Standby Mode: To keep Model X ready to summon and reduce the time it takes to warm up, turn on Standby Mode. Additional battery power may be consumed while Standby Mode is active. When Standby Mode is turned on, you can conserve Battery energy by disabling Standby Mode at these locations (see Home, Work, and Favorite Destinations):
    • Exclude Home - Disables Standby Mode at the location you set as Home in your Favorites list.
    • Exclude Work - Disables Standby Mode at the location you set as Work in your Favorites list.
    • Exclude Favorites - Disables Standby Mode at any location in your Favorites list.

    To conserve energy, Summon automatically exits Standby mode from midnight to 6:00 am. During these hours, a delay occurs as Summon starts up.

  4. Download the latest version of the Tesla mobile app. Summon requires Tesla mobile app version 4.38.0 or later.
  5. Ensure that:
    • Your phone is connected to Model X and that you are located within approximately 279 ft. (85 meters) (see Operating Range).
    • You are on private property. Summon is designed and intended for use only on parking lots and driveways located on private property where the surrounding area is familiar and predictable.
    • The vehicle's cameras are fully calibrated (see Drive to Calibrate Cameras).
    • You have a clear line of sight to Model X.
    • Model X is in Park, not charging, and all doors and trunks are closed.
    • All four tire pressures are 34 PSI or higher, as reported by the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). For more information about checking and maintaining tire pressures, see Tire Care and Maintenance.

Operating Range

To use Summon, your phone must be connected to Model X and within 279 ft. (85 meters) of the vehicle.

If Summon moves Model X more than 279 ft. (85 meters) away from the connected phone while Summon is active, vehicle speed is limited to 3 mph (5 km/h).

If Model X is more than 328 ft. (100 meters) away from the connected phone, Summon pauses, and if Model X is over 345 ft. (105 meters) away, Summon comes to a stop and completes.

In any of the cases above, the Tesla mobile app provides haptic feedback and displays a message informing you that Model X is close to, or has exceeded, the operating range of the feature. If moving the vehicle to a destination away from you, you may need to follow the car to stay within the operating distance.

Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
If Summon is operating for more than 7.5 minutes continuously, Summon aborts and Model X shifts into Park.

Using Summon

Follow these steps to use Summon to park or retrieve your Model X. The following steps describe how to operate both Dumb Summon, which moves Model X straight into or out of a parking space, and Actually Smart Summon, which allows Model X to navigate around obstacles to come to you or to location of your choosing.

  1. (Dumb Summon only) Align Model X with the parking space so that Model X can follow a straight path into or out of the space in either Drive or Reverse.
  2. Open the Tesla mobile app and press Summon.
    The mobile app displays live camera feeds from Model X to assist you in determining if the vehicle's surroundings are clear.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    In order to view live camera feeds, your mobile device must be set up as a phone key to Model X (see Keys). Whenever you are viewing the camera feeds in the Tesla mobile app, the headlights flash periodically. If your vehicle is equipped with Premium Connectivity, the live camera feed shares the same time limit as the View Live Camera feature of Sentry Mode, which is 1 hour (or 15 minutes for some regions) of cumulative usage per day (see Sentry Mode). If your vehicle is not equipped with Premium Connectivity, the camera stream is limited to 2 minutes. However, there is no limit to the camera stream when Summon is actively moving Model X, regardless of whether or not Model X is equipped with Premium Connectivity.
  3. (Actually Smart Summon only) Come to Me: Position yourself anywhere within the blue circle where you have a clear line of sight to Model X.
    Person icon
    Touch to select Come to Me mode. When selected, the icon is blue.
  4. (Actually Smart Summon only) Go to Target: Touch the crosshair icon, then drag the map to position the pin on a chosen destination. To subsequently change the location, lift your finger, reposition the map, then press and hold Go to Target again.
    Crosshair icon
    Touch to select Go to Target mode. When selected, the icon is blue.
  5. Initiate Summon by pressing and holding:
    • Forward or Reverse (Dumb Summon).
    • Come to Me (Actually Smart Summon).
    • Go to Target (Actually Smart Summon).
  6. Model X shifts into Drive or Reverse, then moves slowly straight forward or in reverse (if you are using Dumb Summon), to your location (Come to Me), or to the selected location (Go to Target). In addition, headlights (as well as dome lights and, if equipped, fog lights) are set to On and wipers are set to Auto.

    If you are using Come to Me or Go to Target, Model X navigates obstacles as needed. If you are using Dumb Summon, Model X attempts to avoid obstacles while staying very close to its original path. Dumb Summon is not designed to steer around obstacles significantly blocking its path. If Model X is unable to steer around an obstacle, Dumb Summon comes to a stop and completes.

    The mobile app will show you some of the camera feeds from Model X for better supervision. Still, it is recommended to have a direct line of sight to the vehicle while summoning.

  7. To stop Model X at any time, simply release the Forward, Reverse, Come to Me, or Go to Target button.

    To resume Dumb Summon, once again hold down the Forward or Reverse button in the Tesla mobile app. Likewise, to resume an Actually Smart Summon session, simply press the Come to Me or Go to Target button again.

  8. (Dumb Summon only) When Model X is in the desired position, release the Forward or Reverse button. When you release the button, Model X stops moving immediately and will shift into Park after several seconds.
  9. (Actually Smart Summon only) When Model X has arrived at your location (in Come to Me mode) or to the chosen location (in Go to Target mode), the hazard warning lights flash for several seconds, Model X shifts into Park, and the mobile app displays a message indicating that Summon has completed.
    Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
    When you release the button to stop Model X, a slight delay occurs before the vehicle stops. Therefore, it is critical that you pay close attention to the vehicle’s driving path at all times and proactively anticipate obstacles that the vehicle may be unable to detect.

Summon cancels, and requires you to restart it, when:

  • A door handle is engaged or a door is opened.
  • You interact with the steering yoke (or steering wheel), brake pedal, accelerator pedal, or shift.
  • The driving path is blocked.
  • Model X has moved the maximum distance of 1,558 ft. (475 meters), or has been moving for more than 7.5 minutes, since the start of the Summon session.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    If Summon moves Model X forward 6 ft. (2 meters) and then backwards 3 ft. (1 meters), this is considered 9 ft. (3 meters) of travel.
  • Your phone enters sleep mode or loses connectivity to Model X.
  • Model X detects a safety risk.

Limitations and Warnings

Summon is disabled when:

In addition, Actually Smart Summon is disabled on public roads. Actually Smart Summon is designed and intended for use only on parking lots and driveways located on private property where the surrounding area is familiar and predictable.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
It is still possible to use Dumb Summon on public roads. Use Dumb Summon on public roads only with extreme caution. Do not use Dumb Summon to enter the roadway.

Summon's performance depends on the ability of the cameras to determine the vehicle's proximity to objects, people, animals, and other vehicles. Summon is unlikely to operate as intended, and/or may abort, in the following types of situations:

  • There is an accessory such as a roof rack, trailer hitch, body kit, etc. mounted on or otherwise attached to Model X. When Summon is steering Model X to avoid detected obstacles, it does not account for accessories that extend beyond Model X.
  • A raised edge is detected. Summon does not move Model X over steep edges.
  • Weather conditions (heavy rain, snow, fog, or extremely hot or cold temperatures) are interfering with camera operation.
  • Model X is in Trailer Mode or an accessory is attached.
  • GPS data is unavailable or there is poor cellular coverage.
  • The driving surface is unpaved.
  • The driving path has a slope of greater than 20%. Summon is designed to operate only on flat or gently sloped roads (up to 20% grade). When Summon is moving Model X on a grade higher than 10%, vehicle speed is limted to 3 mph (5 km/h). Summon may not operate at grades above 10% if conditions are poor.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
The list above does not represent an exhaustive list of situations that may interfere with proper operation of Summon. It is the driver's responsibility to remain in control of Model X at all times. Pay close attention whenever Summon is actively moving Model X and stay prepared to take immediate action. Failure to do so can result in serious property damage, injury, or death.
Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
Ensure all cameras are clean and free of obstructions before each drive and before using Autopilot features (see Cleaning a Camera). Dirty cameras and sensors (if equipped), as well as environmental conditions such as rain and faded lane markings, can affect Autopilot performance. If a camera is obstructed or blinded, Model X displays a message on the instrument cluster and Autopilot features may not be available.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Summon is a supervised feature. You must continually monitor the vehicle and its surroundings and stay prepared to take immediate action at any time. It is the driver's responsibility to use Actually Smart Summon and Dumb Summon safely, responsibly, and as intended. Summon is designed and intended for use only on parking lots and driveways located on private property where the surrounding area is familiar and predictable. Do not use Actually Smart Summon on public roads, and only use Dumb Summon on public roads with extreme caution. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the limitations of Summon (see Limitations and Warnings).
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Actually Smart Summon can abort at any time. If Actually Smart Summon aborts for a safety-related reason, Model X may stop suddenly or without warning.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Always anticipate when you need to stop Model X. Depending on the quality of the connectivity between the phone and Model X, there may be a slight delay between when you release the button and when the car stops.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Use extreme caution when using Summon in environments where movement of obstacles can be unpredictable. For example, where people, children or animals are present.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Actually Smart Summon may not stop for all objects (especially very low objects such as some curbs, or very high objects such as a shelf) and may not react to all oncoming or side traffic. Model X cannot detect obstacles that are located in the cameras' blind spots near the vehicle's front fenders. Pay attention and be ready to stop Model X at all times by releasing the button on the mobile app.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Summon may not operate as intended when there is an accessory such as a roof rack, trailer hitch, body kit, etc. mounted on or otherwise attached to Model X. When Summon is steering Model X to avoid detected obstacles, it does not account for accessories that extend beyond Model X. Pay attention and be ready to stop Model X at all times by releasing the button on the mobile app.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Model X cannot detect obstacles that are located in the cameras' blind spots near the vehicle's front fenders, are very narrow, or are hanging from a ceiling (for example, bicycles). In addition, many unforeseen circumstances can impair Summon's ability to move in or out of a parking space and, as a result, Summon may not move Model X appropriately. Therefore, you must continually monitor the vehicle's movement and its surroundings and remain prepared to stop Model X at any time.