Lane Assist

Model Y monitors the markers on the lane you are driving in as well as the surrounding areas for the presence of vehicles or other objects.

When an object is detected in your blind spot or near the side of Model Y (such as a vehicle, guard rail, etc.), the touchscreen displays colored lines radiating from the image of your vehicle. The location of the lines correspond to the location of the detected object. The color of the lines (white, yellow, orange, or red) represent the object's proximity to Model Y, with white being the farthest and red being the closest and requiring your immediate attention. These colored lines only display when driving between approximately 12 km/h and 140 km/h. When Autosteer is active, these colored lines also display if driving slower than 12 km/h. However, the colored lines do not display if Model Y is at a standstill (for example, in heavy traffic).

Screenshot of radiating lines to show that an object is detected.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Ensure all cameras are clean and free of obstructions before each drive and before using Autopilot features (see Cleaning a Camera). Dirty cameras and sensors (if equipped), as well as environmental conditions such as rain and faded lane markings, can affect Autopilot performance. If a camera is obstructed or blinded, Model Y displays a message on the touchscreen and Autopilot features may not be available.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Lane Assist features are for guidance purposes only and are not intended to replace your own direct visual checks. Before changing lanes, always use side mirrors and perform the appropriate shoulder checks to visually determine if it is safe and appropriate to change lanes.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Never depend on Lane Assist to inform you if you unintentionally drive outside of the driving lane, or to inform you that there is a vehicle beside you or in your blind spot. Several external factors can reduce the performance of Lane Assist (see Limitations and Inaccuracies). It is the driver's responsibility to stay alert and pay attention to the driving lane and other road users. Failure to do so can result in serious injury or death.

Steering Interventions

Lane Assist provides steering interventions if Model Y drifts into (or close to) an adjacent lane in which an object, such as a vehicle, is detected. In these situations, Model Y automatically steers to a safer position in the driving lane. This steering is applied only when Model Y is traveling between 48 and 140 km/h on major roads with clearly visible lane markings. When a steering intervention is applied, the touchscreen briefly displays a warning message.

Lane Departure Avoidance

Lane Departure Avoidance is designed to warn you if Model Y is drifting out of, or nears the edge of, your driving lane.

Lane Departure Avoidance operates when driving between 64 and 145 km/h on roads with clearly visible lane markings. You can choose if and how you want Lane Departure Warning to operate by touching Controls > Autopilot > Lane Departure Avoidance and selecting between these options:

  • Off: You are not warned of lane departures or potential collisions with a vehicle in an adjacent lane.
  • Warning: If a front wheel passes over a lane marking, the steering wheel vibrates.
  • Assist: Corrective steering is applied to keep Model Y in a safe position if Model Y drifts into an adjacent lane or near the edge of the road.

When Lane Departure Avoidance is enabled and Traffic-Aware Cruise Control is active, if Model Y drifts out of the driving lane when the associated turn signal is off, Lane Assist also checks to see whether your hands are on the steering wheel. If hands are not detected, the touchscreen displays a series of alerts, similar to those that are used when driving with Autosteer. If hands are repeatedly not detected Model Y gradually slows down to 25 km/h below the detected speed limit, or below the set cruising speed, and the hazard lights start flashing.

Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
Lane Departure Avoidance does not warn you of lane departures, or provide steering interventions, if the associated turn signal is on, which indicates an intentional lane change.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Lane Departure Avoidance is intended to help keep you safe, but it does not work in every situation and does not replace the need to remain attentive and in control.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Keep your hands on the steering wheel and drive attentively at all times.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Steering interventions are minimal and are not designed to move Model Y out of its driving lane. Do not rely on steering interventions to avoid side collisions.

Emergency Lane Departure Avoidance

Emergency Lane Departure Avoidance automatically applies steering to avoid a potential collision in situations where:

  • Model Y is departing a lane and may collide with a vehicle traveling in the same direction in the adjacent lane (regardless of the status of the turn signal).
  • Model Y is departing a lane into an oncoming lane, the turn signal is off, and an oncoming vehicle is detected.
  • Model Y is departing the road and the turn signal is off (for example, very close to the edge of the road and a collision may occur).

To turn this feature on or off, touch Controls > Autopilot > Emergency Lane Departure Avoidance.

When Emergency Lane Departure Avoidance applies steering, a chime sounds and the touchscreen displays a warning and highlights the lane marking in red.

Emergency Lane Departure Avoidance operates when Model Y is traveling between 48 and 145 km/h on a road with clearly visible lane markings, curbs, etc.

Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Emergency Lane Departure Avoidance is not a substitute for attentive driving and sound judgment. Keep your eyes on the road when driving and never depend on Emergency Lane Departure Avoidance to prevent a collision. Several factors can reduce or impair performance. Depending on Emergency Lane Departure Avoidance to prevent a potential collision can result in serious injury or death.

Blind Spot Assist

Automatic Blind Spot Camera

You can turn it on/off by touching Controls > Safety > Automatic Blind Spot Camera on the touchscreen.

Once enabled, when the turn signal is engaged, the touchscreen displays the image from the corresponding side repeater camera. When a vehicle is detected in your blind spot in an adjacent lane, a vertical red bar appears on the image to warn you. For example, when the left turn signal is engaged and a vehicle is detected, a vertical red bar appears on the left side of the image. You can move the image to a different location on the touchscreen. To do so, touch and drag the image to the new location (valid locations are indicated by shaded areas that display when you touch and hold the image).

Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Automatic Blind Spot Camera does not eliminate the need to drive attentively and manually perform shoulder checks when changing lanes.

Blind Spot Collision Warning Chime

If you want a chime to sound when a vehicle is in your blind spot and a possible collision is detected, touch Controls > Safety > Blind Spot Collision Warning Chime.

Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Blind Spot Camera does not eliminate the need to drive attentively and manually perform shoulder checks when changing lanes.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Blind Spot Collision Warning Chime cannot detect every collision. It is the driver's responsibility to remain alert and perform the appropriate shoulder checks when changing lanes.

Blind Spot Warning Light

Both front door pillars are equipped with a blind spot warning light in the upper speaker grille. You can enable or disable the indicators by touching Controls > Safety > Blind Spot Warning Light. When an object is detected in your blind spot in an adjacent lane a red light appears in the upper speaker grille.
  • A solid red light indicates that an object has been detected in your blind spot.
  • A blinking red light indicates that an object is in your blind spot while the turn signal is indicating your intent to turn that direction.
  • A rapid blinking red light indicates that an object is detected and immediate corrective action is required to avoid a collision.

If you attempt to open a door when an approaching object is detected in your blind spot (for example, if Model Y is parked and there is a bicyclist approaching from behind), the blind spot warning light blinks, an alert displays on the touchscreen, and your door will not open upon initial button press. Wait a short time and press the button a second time to override the alert if the object is still detected.

Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Do not rely on Blind Spot Warning Light to detect objects in your blind spot. Do not assume that the door will be locked if there is an approaching object detected in your blind spot while Model Y is in Park. Always visually confirm that a lane is free from obstacles, vehicles, and pedestrians before exiting your lane or opening a door.

Limitations and Inaccuracies

Lane Assist features cannot always detect lane markings and you may experience unnecessary or invalid warnings when:

  • Visibility is poor and lane markings are not clearly visible (due to heavy rain, snow, fog, etc.).
  • Bright light (such as from oncoming headlights or direct sunlight) is interfering with the view of the camera(s).
  • A vehicle in front of Model Y is blocking the view of the camera(s).
  • The windshield is obstructing the view of the camera(s) (fogged over, dirty, covered by a sticker, etc.).
  • Lane markings are excessively worn, have visible previous markings, have been adjusted due to road construction, or are changing quickly (for example, lanes branching off, crossing over, or merging).
  • The road is narrow or winding.
  • Objects or landscape features are casting strong shadows on lane markers.

Lane Assist may not provide warnings, or may apply inappropriate warnings, when:

  • One or more of the sensors (if equipped), or cameras is damaged, dirty, or obstructed (by mud, ice, or snow, or by a vehicle bra, excessive paint, or adhesive products such as wraps, stickers, rubber coatings, etc.).
  • Weather conditions (heavy rain, snow, fog, or extremely hot or cold temperatures) are interfering with sensor operation.
  • The sensors (if equipped) are affected by other electrical equipment or devices that generate ultrasonic waves.
  • An object that is mounted to Model Y is interfering with and/or obstructing a sensor (such as a bike rack or a bumper sticker).

In addition, Lane Assist may not steer Model Y away from an adjacent vehicle, or may apply unnecessary or inappropriate steering, in these situations:

  • You are driving Model Y on sharp corners or on a curve at a relatively high speed.
  • Bright light (such as from oncoming headlights or direct sunlight) is interfering with the view of the camera(s).
  • You are drifting into another lane but an object (such as a vehicle) is not present.
  • A vehicle in another lane cuts in front of you or drifts into your driving lane.
  • Model Y is not traveling within the speeds at which the Lane Assist feature is designed to operate.
  • One or more of the sensors (if equipped) is damaged, dirty, or obstructed (such as by mud, ice, or snow, or by a vehicle bra, excessive paint, or adhesive products such as wraps, stickers, rubber coating, etc.).
  • Weather conditions (heavy rain, snow, fog, or extremely hot or cold temperatures) are interfering with sensor operation.
  • The sensors (if equipped) are affected by other electrical equipment or devices that generate ultrasonic waves.
  • An object mounted to Model Y (such as a bike rack or a bumper sticker) is interfering with or obstructing a sensor.
  • Visibility is poor and lane markings are not clearly visible (due to heavy rain, snow, fog, etc.).
  • Lane markings are excessively worn, have visible previous markings, have been adjusted due to road construction or are changing quickly (for example, lanes branching off, crossing over, or merging).
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
Driver assistance features are automatically disabled when Track Mode is On. It is the driver’s responsibility to drive safely and be in control of the vehicle at all times, including on track. Driver Assistance features automatically re-enable when Track Mode is turned Off.
Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
The lists above do not represent every possible situation that may interfere with Lane Assist features. There are many reasons why Lane Assist may not operate as intended. To avoid a collision, stay alert and always pay attention to the road so you can anticipate the need to take corrective action as early as possible.